In the past year, we’ve witnessed significant advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), and its ongoing integration into various industries indicates its continued progression. 

The emergence of AI in digital PR has sparked a mix of excitement and fear, prompting questions like, “Will AI take over my job?” Yet, as we delve deeper into these tools and software, it becomes evident that we, as PRs, have nothing to worry about. 

While it’s reassuring that AI won’t replace us, ignoring its potential isn’t the best approach. In fact, AI is proving to be a valuable tool for marketers and content creators. The question now is, how much should we leverage it to enhance our digital PR strategies, and when do we risk letting AI do all the heavy lifting? 

Let’s start with the positives. Here are some ways that AI could be used to enhance PR processes:

Ideation inspiration 

The excitement surrounding AI in digital PR is understandable, particularly when it comes to ideation inspiration. AI algorithms can analyse data to identify trends, helping PRs generate campaign inspiration. This streamlines the brainstorming process and ensures the latest insights inform strategies. Of course, we don’t recommend using AI to develop a campaign idea from start to finish; that’s what we’re here for! 

Supporting research 

Another positive of AI in PR lies in supporting research efforts. AI-powered tools can sift through extensive databases, news articles, and social media platforms, providing PRs with insightful information that could support desk research stages of campaign development. Again, while this could provide some interesting insights, we suggest always fact-checking any information pulled through to ensure it’s accurate and up to date. For example, the new AI model of ChatGPT only offers answers with context up to April 2023. 

Creating media lists 

Developing media lists is a crucial aspect of digital PR, and AI can help simplify this process. AI tools can analyse journalists’ preferences and past coverage, helping PR professionals curate targeted and personalised media lists. This improves outreach efforts and enhances our relationships with the media by delivering content that aligns with their interests. AI tools should be used as an addition to the process rather than relying solely on this. 

Content reviewing 

AI tools can assist in content reviewing, ensuring that messaging is compelling and optimised for target audiences. For example, if you’ve drafted a paragraph for a blog and you’re unsure if it flows or reads well, you could always ask AI what it thinks and if it could be improved in any way. By doing this, it could help streamline the internal reviewing process. 

Supporting imagery 

The visual component of digital PR is really important, and AI can play a key role in supporting imagery creation. From designing graphics to selecting images that resonate with audiences, AI tools can enhance the visual appeal of our campaigns. In one of our campaigns for whisky brand Tri Carragh, we used AI to reveal what iconic Christmas movie characters would drink with their festive dinner and created lifelike images visualising the results. 

SEO support 

AI can support SEO tasks by streamlining processes and providing valuable insights. For meta descriptions, AI algorithms can analyse content and user behaviour to generate compelling and relevant meta descriptions that improve click-through rates. In terms of keywords, AI tools can identify high-performing keywords by analysing search trends, user queries, and competitor strategies. This ensures that content is optimised for search engines, increasing its visibility.

Incorporating AI into our digital PR strategy presents an opportunity to work smarter, not harder. Using AI tools is a good way to free up valuable time and focus on what really counts, such as creating compelling content and developing genuine connections with target audiences and journalists.

Here’s how we’d avoid using AI in DIGITAL PR:

Drafting press releases and blog content 

While AI tools can assist in reviewing content, using tools to draft entire press releases or blog content might not be the best approach. Factors such as language, tone, and storytelling that make PR content engaging and effective are deeply human. AI may lack the creativity and context to capture a brand’s personality or authentically convey a message. Therefore, when it comes to content creation, relying on the human voice remains important.

Pitching to journalists 

Pitching to journalists requires a personal touch and an understanding of individual preferences. While AI can help create targeted media lists, the act of pitching involves a level of relationship-building and intuition that AI may struggle to replicate. Journalists value personalised and well-researched pitches that align with their interests and beat. Developing pitches that stand out often involves a deep understanding of the news agenda and the ability to adapt strategies based on evolving trends. The human element in this process ensures a more genuine and effective approach to securing media coverage.

Relying on it for credible data 

AI is a powerful tool, but it should not be solely relied upon for credible data in digital PR campaigns. While AI-powered tools can assist in research, it’s crucial to recognise their limitations and the need for human verification. Human intuition and critical thinking play a key role in evaluating the reliability of data sources, ensuring that the insights used to shape PR campaigns are accurate and trustworthy.

Balancing efficiency and authenticity in digital PR with AI 

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI, it remains crucial to assess its value. Striking the right balance ensures that AI enhances efficiency without compromising the quality and trustworthiness of tasks traditionally carried out by humans.

In digital PR, where relationship building and delivering reliable content are important, tools like ChatGPT serve as valuable aids but can never completely replace the human element. While AI can streamline certain tasks, particularly in terms of time efficiency, using AI still requires thoughtful consideration.

Our key takeaway: It’s essential to remember that, despite the capabilities of AI, the qualities of genuine, human-driven connection remain irreplaceable. 

If you want to see how we can help you reach your new year goals using digital PR, contact the Wild PR team or book a 30-minute introductory call with Katrina Cliffe.

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