Natural dog food retailer Dragonfly Products is on the hunt for the UK’s sleepiest dogs, ahead of National Dog Week (18th to 25th September 2022) with the winner taking home a year’s supply of their new gourmet dry dog food range, tailored to their requirements. 

Based in Slaithwaite, West Yorkshire, the brand is looking to hear from pet owners who have been able to capture the best snaps of their four-legged friends drifting off to the land of nod.

From the cutest sleeping faces to the most obscure sleeping positions, Dragonfly Products are accepting entries from midnight on Wednesday 24th August to midnight on Wednesday 7th September 2022. 

To enter, you must share an original image of your dog alongside your full name and age, your dog’s name and age, your contact information and a sentence to best describe your dog with the dedicated email address. Full entry requirements and terms and conditions can be found here

The winning entry will receive 12 months’ worth of gourmet dry dog food from Dragonfly Products new range and two runners-up will receive vouchers worth £50 for the first runner-up and £30 for the second runner-up, to be spent with us in-store or online. 

The year’s supply of food will be based on the feeding guide that Dragonfly Products recommends for their dry food, based on the weight & age of the winning dog. If the winning dog is a puppy, the year’s supply of dry food will also be based on Dragonfly Products’ recommended feeding guide for its age and weight.

Laura Lambert, owner of Dragonfly Products, commented on the launch of the competition: “To celebrate National Dog Week 2022, we wanted to launch something unique which captures not only who we are as a brand but also showcases the love dog owners have for their pets. We all know dogs love a snooze after a good feed, so we want to see your best snaps of your furry friends snoozing after they’ve tucked into their favourite meal! 

“We’re really excited to see all the entries and choose a winner who will work with our team of experts to receive a year’s supply of tailored Dragonfly food for their four-legged friend.” 

For full terms and conditions and details on how to enter, please visit:  ​

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