
  1. Create High-Quality and Valuable Content
  2. Craft an Engaging and Relevant Title
  3. Structure Your Content with Headers
  4. Proper URL Structure
  5. Published and Edited Date
  6. Optimise for Readability and User Experience
  7. Amend Exsisting Content
  8. Website Analytics & Tracking

Understanding the connection between SEO and blog writing is the key to driving organic traffic, expanding your online reach, and achieving your content marketing goals. With the right strategies and best practices, your blog posts can stand out and rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

Get ready to unlock the secrets of SEO-driven blog writing and take your content to new heights below!


Create High-Quality and Valuable Content

Creating killer content that ranks high on search engines requires a tactical approach; remember to address your audience’s problems and provide valuable insights! Start by figuring out which keywords your target audience is searching for and naturally sprinkle them throughout your content. 

Organising your content with clear headings and subheadings that use key search terms and answer their questions not only helps readers find what they are looking for faster but this can support search engine optimisation. You should also optimise your meta tags to make your content irresistible to users! 

An excellent way to improve trust and credibility is to add internal and external links to support your claims and provide extra value to your readers. These SEO-focused content strategies produce content that is both engaging and search engine-friendly! (Check out our other blog on optimising your onsite content!)


Craft an Engaging and Relevant Title

Creating a title for your blog post can be as challenging as figuring out what to write. Your title must be catchy, well-searched, and within the character count. 

Let’s hit the ground running with the base & keywords, including words such as “ultimate,” “essential,” “surprising”, or “master”, which will get the reader’s emotions flowing and trigger curiosity. If you were to write ‘Top Ten Tips…’, make sure you word it as ‘Top 10 Tips…’. This will allow the title to be much more scannable and probably more searched in Google. Including keywords relevant to the content and highly searched words will give it that extra boost in rankings. 

Keeping to the character count regarding your titles is also essential. Google only displays a certain number of characters in the SERPs; the recommended requirement is around 50-70 characters. 


Structure Your Content Headers 

Providing structured headers within your content allows the viewer to easily flow when reading the content.  Doing this will enhance the user experience; headers act as a signpost, making it easy for the reader to quickly scan the content and find what they are looking for. Google and other search engines rely on headers to understand the organisation and significance of your content. By integrating keywords into your headers, you can help search engines identify the main topics of your blog post and increase its visibility in search results.


Proper URL Structure

When creating URLs for your website, it’s essential to keep them concise, descriptive, and easily readable. Use hyphens to separate words in the URL, such as, and structure your URLs to reflect the hierarchy of your website content. The negative impact a URL can have if it does not reflect a site’s hierarchy is that it may result in poor user experience due to the reader not being able to navigate around the site and having a poor understanding of the structure. As well as internal linking not being as consistent as it should be, this is down to search engines being misguided through your website. 

The recommended URL length is between 50 to 60 characters, anything higher than this can harm crawling and indexing, as well as the URL needing to be evident within the SERPs. 

We also recommend avoiding dynamic parameters and unnecessary characters like numbers and symbols in the URL and ensuring a consistent URL structure is used across your website.


Published and edited date

Keeping your blog post fresh and updated is essential for boosting your SEO. By including the published and edited dates, you signal to search engines that your content is relevant and trustworthy. 

Not only does this help your ranking, but it also shows users that you’re actively maintaining and improving the quality of your content. Plus, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a freshly updated blog post? So, remember to date your posts and show the world that you’re on top of your blogging game!


Optimise for Readability and User Experience

Making your blog easily readable and enjoyable for your readers is crucial to its success. By using clear and concise language, breaking up text into bite-sized chunks, and adding headings and subheadings, you’ll keep your readers engaged and coming back for more. A positive user experience is crucial in retaining readers and building trust. 

If your blog is visually appealing, well-structured, and free of distractions, users will have a seamless and enjoyable reading experience, increasing the likelihood of returning to your site for future content. And let’s remember about search engine rankings! Websites with high engagement and positive experiences rank better in search results. So, optimising your blog for readability and user experience improves the quality of your content and can boost visibility and organic traffic.


Amend Exsisting Content 

Amending existing blogs from an SEO perspective is crucial due to evolving search engine algorithms and changing SEO best practices. By updating your blogs, you can align them with the latest guidelines, optimising elements like meta tags, keywords, headings, and linking, enhancing visibility and ranking potential. 

Additionally, refreshing content ensures relevance and credibility by incorporating new information and research. Improving user experience through readability, mobile optimisation, and accurate information leads to increased engagement and better SEO performance. Updating and republishing blogs also attracts organic traffic and extends content lifespan.


Web Analytics & Tracking 

Analytics helps you gain insights into how visitors interact with your blog. It provides data on metrics like page views, time spent on pages, bounce rate, and click-through rates.

By analysing this data, you can understand which blog posts are performing well, which ones need improvement, and how visitors navigate your blog. This information allows you to optimise your content strategy, identify popular topics, and tailor your blog to better meet the needs and preferences of your audience.


If you need support with your SEO needs and blogs, contact Hollie at or ring us! 

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